I love creating interactive learning experiences for the workshops I teach. Being able to experience the learning instead of just a flood of information has great benefits for the people you are teaching.

The one-to-one consultation model has its benefits but it also has its limits in terms of the amount of time you can spend on serving your clients this way.

A one-to-many model of holding workshops allows you to make money and share all the knowledge you have in your head with many of your people.

Over the years of holding workshops, I have discovered that there were 5 important things missing from my workshops. Once I have addressed those things, my income from my interactive workshops has increased significantly.

Once I tell you what they are, you’re probably going to go, “oh, I know this!”. I still want you to listen. Listen and then apply the things I am talking about for your very next workshop.

It’s one thing to listen to instructions and another to actually put them into practice. And putting them into practice is where you will see the change. This is what they call kinesthetic learning.

Learn about the 5 very important things you need to include in your experiential workshops. Watch this video.

unrestricted the book by tammy guest