unrestricted the book by tammy guest

What I love about meeting people in real life is that you can feel the love in the room. It’s like being a part of a wolf pack. There is a real sense of belonging when you know you are a part of a tribe. I see this wolfpack mentality as the future of Naturopathy.

This is one of the best parts about being in the Naturopathy profession. There is a collective that is constructive, collaborative and creative, and I love that!

It’s this sense of community where no one is competing against anyone else. This only becomes even stronger when people have a chance to meet face to face. When we get together, all our gifts and talents are pooled into a wolf pack. People end up connecting with complementing services and experiences.

There are so many collaborations being created right now that are developing and feeding our professions. It’s enriching individual practitioners as well as the community and the field we are in. I’ve seen those collaborations coming up with joined webinars and workshops, even co-authored books.

There are so many ways to support each other. The law of reciprocity shows that when you support others, that support will get back to you.

You can take your part in that wolf pack mentality by simple actions such as liking someone’s business related post on social media when it comes up. Give them a comment, engage, interact. It takes no time at all but it will make a big difference for them.

When you talk about something Naturopathy related and share someone else’s stuff, you are raising awareness of not only that practitioner but also the field in general. If you show that you value this stuff then your friends and other people you are connected to will start seeing the value in it too.

So if you’re a part of a wolf pack and someone howls, make sure you howl back.

Do you ever feel like you’re in competition with others in your field?

Not everyone appreciates this wolf pack mentality and there will be those who will be scared to refer people to you because they think they will lose business or collaborate with you on other things for the same reason. If that is how you approach it, of course, there will be an amount of resentment and pushing back. Not just from you but from the people you see as your competition.

Keeping your cards close to the chest is a very old school way of doing things. There is a great abundance of information that is available to clients and those clients want that information. The is also more abundance in general available in the world than ever before.

There are also more sick people in the world than ever has been. So there needs to be an abundance of practitioners also to serve those sick people. When you can do that collaboratively is an incredible thing.

What is your part of that conversation? Are you running the negative competition vibe? 

Once you stop believing that you are not in competition with others in your field, the conversation opens up and it will lead to some great collaborations and opportunities. Instead of competitors, your colleagues in the field will become collaborators and referral partners.

One of the best things about the Hub is that we get together in person on a regular basis and we share knowledge and support. That is why I created the Natupreneur Revolution series that takes this idea of collaboration and support all around Australia and New Zealand.

I want to create a paradigm shift in our natural health practitioner profession from that competition mindset towards the collaborative wolf pack.

Join me and make this happen!

