There is a pattern of mindset, a contracted perspective on abundance. It shows up in the need to accumulate abundance. The expanded version of that is the creative force we can step into that can take our experience of abundance to a whole new level.

You can expand into abundance without the clutter a lot of us accumulate along the way. Watch the video to learn how…


When you are working on a new project, you will experience this expansion with new ideas. Like bringing new things into the world, akin to having a baby, you are determined to push it through with each contraction.

Sometimes that contraction of abundance is misinterpreted as a sign from the Universe that it’s not the right time to work on that project. You might freak out and go, no, I can’t continue to create in this project. And, all of your past abundance blocks will float to the surface.

If you think about it, it’s really the opposite.

It’s actually the sign of imminent birth. The birth of something new for your business. Step into it and you will experience the growth.

The flip side of that growth is when you are accumulating abundance for the sake of accumulating it.

It’s all the bad clients you’re holding onto.
It’s the services you’re offering that aren’t aligned with who you are and how you want to serve your clients.
Anything that you’re holding onto that is not serving you and not feeding your soul.

It’s when you want to offer everyone everything.

It doesn’t have to be like that.

If you are holding onto all the “stuff”, it’s hard for people to see your real gifts because they are all hiding behind the things that you’ve accumulated and are not letting go of.

It’s that fear of what is going to happen if you let go of those things. The bad clients, the misaligned services and so on.

What are you going to do if you don’t have those?

There are plenty of people out there who need you. You are a Naturopath, serving sick people. You will not run out of those people even if you let go of the clients that you don’t enjoy treating.

What about the no-shows! They are a co-creation of between you and your client. When people don’t show up to their appointments with you, that happens because they are not in alignment with you at that particular point in time.

You might also be projecting out and manifesting the no-shows if you are focussing on all the stuff you need to get done in your practice. It’s practically telling the Universe that you need the time and space to do those things.

The more of these things you’re holding onto like this, the less room you will have for the things that actually serve you. The clients that you enjoy working with and for the things you would love to manifest in your practice.

Review your offers and see where in them you’re creating that message of accumulation where you just want grab and hold onto things.

While you’re doing that there is someone else out there who would be happy to deal with that client you find difficult, that service you’re not really enjoying to offer.

This energy of accumulation is not just about clients and the offers you have. It also shows in the things you accumulate for yourself. Your certificates, crystals, pretty things. Sooner or later you have to recognise what is happening and start letting go.

It also shows up in how you communicate with your tribe online. Think about how many different social media platforms you are on every day. You want to cover everything and you want to reach everyone. What ends up happening is you become overwhelmed.

What about accumulating knowledge and then holding onto it and not sharing it with your clients and your audience?! While you are feverishly working on accumulating knowledge, you are not sharing it and you are putting a distance between you and your passion.

You embody that knowledge for your clients by being in complete alignment with your heart and showing up. You can show up with whatever it is that you are most aligned with in your practice instead of trying to show off with the knowledge you have accumulated.

It’s enough.

You are enough.

This is how you expand into abundance that will help you find and attract your ideal clients.

I talk about being practitioners being in practice all the time.

Being in practice is about having total alignment and finding the flow. Practice by sharing your knowledge daily.

It takes time but through it, you will find out things about yourself. You will find who you want to work with and how you want to work with them.

When you hold on tightly to everything, that process isn’t going to happen.

If you worry about abundance, my suggestion is to look at what it is you’re holding onto. Where can you free up space in yourself and your practice?

When you expand into abundance, you don’t need more. You actually need less.

Declutter your life, your practice, your house, your website, your computer, your inbox.

Let go so your innate intuition, abilities and gifts can come out. Instead of relying on someone else’s and hoarding them for yourself. That will stifle your uniqueness from coming through.

You’re probably thinking, what will happen if you let go of clients? How will you replace them? How will you replace the income?

What if you let go?

What if by letting go, you will be able to create the space for the most amazing clients to come in and work with you? The Universe has this habit of filling any vacuum you create.

When you let go of that physical and energetic accumulation, what comes in to fill that space is inspired action.

You’re creating a new reality for yourself where you are abundant and extraordinary.

Full of creative potential and about to give birth to new offerings. This space might feel weird for you at first because you’re sitting in that vacuum you have just created. It’s just part of the process. This is the space were you expand into abundance.


Tammy x