Permission to dream bigger: Add freedom & adventure to your business model and create a life you love.

Embrace that spark, the science and the sacred. Listen to your intuition and do what feels right for you.

You can have the life you dream of and you can create whatever you choose.

Ready to create your own freedom-focused business?

choose your pathway

Feeling stuck or unsure in your business?

Normal isn’t getting you the results that you wanted in the first place.

Transform your biz into what it’s truly meant to be – a reflection of YOU.

Your vision, your passions, your wisdom, your talents, your purpose.

Everything you’re doing, being, exploring, experiencing – internally or externally – is exactly what your business and your clients need right now.

You can absolutely achieve your dreams and your goals, even if your life looks different to how you thought it would. In fact, that just might be what sets you apart from everyone else!

You can send your wish out to the universe, asking for more clients and more income, but you can also turn it around so much faster than you ever imagined by tapping into the abundance and energy inside you.

Embrace that spark, the science and the sacred. Listen to your intuition and do what feels right for you.

You can have the life you dream of and you can create whatever you choose.

The real magic is when you go and apply your lived experience & knowledge and take action on it.

Need help? We’ll do it together.

I’m Tammy Guest – a mentor, a speaker, and a freedom seeker who takes people on adventures and reminds them how to live.

I’m also a mother, step-mother, wife, student helicopter pilot (links to about page) and artist.

I believe your business should light you up, not burn you out.

As business owners (and humans) we waste so much time & effort trying to fit into what we think is the entrepreneurial “ideal”.

We want things to be perfect before we release them to the world. We wait for clarity, readiness and the “right time” instead of taking imperfect action, and we miss out on the organic, serendipitous moments that can bring about incredible results for us and for our clients!​​​​​​

It’s my mission to remind you of how unique and precious you are, and how important it is to shake things up, tap into who you are & what lights you up, and build a business that aligns with every part of you.

It’s my intention to empower you to elevate your mindset and see the extraordinary possibilities out there for change-makers like you, so you can get out there and empower your clients, your loves, and the rest of the world to flourish!

Explore. Innovate. Lead. Transform.

My passion lies in facilitating the expansion of possibility for purpose-driven entrepreneurs.

Through my guided mentoring and immersive experiences, I drive your ability to create an unbridled business and lifestyle that is beautifully aligned to you, and allows you the perfect environment to create, innovate, and lead in ways you haven’t been able to before.

There are limitless opportunities to become the person you want to be, live the life of your dreams and change the world for the better.

I’ll help you tap into your desires, connect to your true self and build the business you dream of.

Let’s create magic together!

Unrestricted: The essential handbook for driven entrepreneurs who want to make a real difference in the world without sacrificing what they value most.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Follow my journey @tammyguests
Life's too short to remain within the confines of familiarity.

In my experience with 1:1 VIP mentoring, I've witnessed remarkable transformations unfold.

If you're eager to elevate your life ✨ and career with purposeful changes, let's start a conversation.

Because, it all begins with a simple decision to take that first step forward.

Tam x
I often I find myself deep in thought 🙇🏻‍♀️ about the profound impact of taking that initial leap.

Embarking on a new venture…
Delving into 1:1 mentoring…
Or committing to join my Maverick Business Mastermind…

…all these paths require courage to start! I know firsthand the uncertainty and vulnerability that come with such decisions.

Yet, amidst the fear, there lies incredible potential for growth and transformation. It's about pushing past comfort zones and embracing the unknown, knowing that the journey is as important as the destination.

Are you ready to embrace your next leap? ➡️ Let's have a conversation about how I can walk alongside you on this journey of discovery and achievement.

Head to my website and click WORK WITH ME to explore how we can collaborate and make meaningful progress together.
PSA: Early bird tickets for Maverick Business Mastermind are disappearing in 7 days - no extensions! 🫢

Imagine waking up each day, co-creating your dream reality with the universe - abundance, connection, and serendipity flowing seamlessly from your inspired actions.

This isn't just a wispy ideal - it's a tangible manifestation waiting for you.

Join me for a transformative 4-month journey to expand what’s possible for your business, career, and life.

Secure your spot now via the link in bio. Questions? Drop them below.

Tam x
Excited for the NMHNZ Conference! 🌿

Join us for insightful discussions, hands-on workshops, and collaborations to advance heritage-inspired health practices. 

Tickets available via @natmedherbnz. See you there - I'll be presenting on Saturday! 🎉
Do you currently have a Virtual Assistant (VA) in your corner? If so, what's the best part about working with them? 👏🏼

If you haven't dipped your toes into the VA pool yet, what's holding you back? Are you hesitant about outsourcing tasks?

Sure, it's a leap of faith that can feel daunting at first, but finding the right VA can be a game-changer.

Personally, I've had the incredible support of @allyaide for years. She's my secret weapon in delegation, automation, and eliminating unnecessary tasks. Having a VA frees up my time to focus on what truly matters - growing my business and nurturing meaningful connections.

➡️ Let's open up this conversation.

Whether you're a long time VA lover or curious about taking the plunge, drop your insights below! 😊
Wrapping up the work week in winter like….💁🏻‍♀️

Here are my top go-to activities to wind down and set up for a productive week ahead:

✅ Reflect & Plan: Take time to review what worked well and what needs tweaking. I jot down key learnings and set realistic goals for the next week.

✅ Disconnect & Recharge: Switch off from work mode. Whether it's a short walk in the crisp winter air or curling up with a good book with my dog BJ, giving myself permission to unwind is crucial.

✅ Organise & Declutter: Tidy space, tidy mind. No more explanation needed.

✅ Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge achievements, no matter how small. It's easy to overlook them amidst the hustle.

Here's to a restful weekend and an inspired new week ahead! Tam x